Our Therapists
Find out more about our therapists by clicking on the links below. You can also make contact directly by email or phone. If you are not sure who you would like to see or need some advice on the different options available then you can contact the clinic
07808 137 397 acucentre@gmail.com
Massage Therapists
07748 243 547 fabelle1960@yahoo.co.uk
Email: be.kind.unwind.holistic@gmail.com
Via DM on Instagram: @be_kind_unwind_
Via DM on Facebook: @BeKindUnwindHolistic
07446524452 chbtherapy@live.co.uk
07791 017 019 mjmurphy@physiotherapyfor.me.uk
07941 414 497 muddycrow@gmail.com
Craniosacral Therapy, Feldenkrais and Ortho-bionomy​
07931 562 358 info.holisticbalance@gmail.com
Counselling and Psychotherapy
07428 513 561 lizannable@hotmail.co.uk
07976 701223 gerry@envisionhypnotherapy.co.uk
Reflexologist and Zero Balancing
07717 496742 louise987@live.com.
07756 504 772 sheffieldalexandertechnique@gmail.com