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Sheffield acupuncturist -
Joe Robson MBAcC
Joe Robson Acupuncturist


Initial consultation (includes 1st treatment) 90 mins - £50

Follow up treatment - between 45 and 60 minutes - £50


Contact Joe directly by phone or email.

Click here to book online

Phone: 07808 137 397


Joes website:


What some of my patients think


I started going to see Joe when I became very unwell and suffered a variety of symptoms including sickness, fainting and headaches. It took a long time for me to be diagnosed through the NHS and to receive treatment. However, Joe was able to treat me straight away regardless of diagnoses based on my symptoms and his observations. I have found Joe to be patient, kind and understanding in consultations. I continue to find that acupuncture provides welcome relief from a number of symptoms and works alongside my other medications.
- MA


'I have visited Joe's acupuncture clinic in Sheffield, on numerous occasion over many years and, found him to be both, professional and knowledgeable about pain relief, he is also very friendly, discrete and makes you feel comfortable, my visits have become less and less frequent as the acupuncture has given me lasting pain relief, it can be said that Joe works towards doing himself out of a job by, relieving pain to the extent off not needing' his skill's as often or not at all, he is honest enough to tell you that your treatment has gone as for as he can take it, and will not take advantage of you.' - Sheila A  

'After several visits to doctors and hospitals we were introduced to Joe and we have not looked back since.Joe relieved our pain and swelling with acupuncture and we would recommend him to anyone, we are feeling good and we are back dancing.' - 
Joanna / Gordon  

'Dear Joe. As you know I am very much an advocate of alternative therapy, and I have used it in the past. During my menopause it was the only way to manage my symptoms as it affected my quality of life quite profoundly. You were very patient and understanding, and above all professional, and took time to listen.
Whilst many people use conventional medicine to manage symptoms, I found everything caused tummy irritation and became quite anxious. Acupuncture was so helpful, it was the light at the end of the tunnel....'
- Theresa O 

I specialise in Japanese styles of acupuncture

Japanese styles of acupuncture tend to be extremely gentle and subtle. some of the hallmarks are:

  • Japanese acupuncture is noted for the use of very fine (narrow diameter) needles. These may be as fine as 0.12mm diameter - not much thicker than a hair.

  • Strong sensation in treatment is avoided

  • Touch diagnosis normally plays a central role.

  • Feedback - physical changes are expected and continually assessed during treatment (including pulse changes and changes such as muscular tension and skin lustre)

  • Children, very sensitive and needle phobic patients will find this style very comfortable and easy to tolerate.


My style of acupuncture, based on various Japanese systems (paricularly Toyohari), is essentially about giving the most effective and comfortable experience possible. It will always be tailored towards the individual so that no two people will ever receive the same treatment.


Sensitive patients including: children; the very anxious; people with certain types of conditions and people who respond strongly to stimuli generally will tend to require very gentle treatment. I will often use specially adapted tools and tehniques in these cases instead of needles. 


Most people tolerate my acupuncture very well as I only use the very finest of needles possible. In any case sensation is minimal or non existant.



I am a Member of the British Acupuncture Council and have nearly 2 decades of experience treating a wide range of conditions.


Members of the British Acupuncture Council are fully insured and bound by a rigorous code of ethics and practice. All members of this body have undergone extensive training in acupuncture and appropriate level of biomedical sciences.

Practicing acupuncture since qualifying in 2001 at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York, my initial training was in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) style acupuncture. However over the years I have become more interested in Japanese forms of acupuncture and have studied a number of these extensively. They are extremely gentle, subtle and highly effective methods of treatment .
They include the following:
Manaka style;
Kiiko Matsumoto style;
Meridian Therapy (in particular the Toyohari style),
Shonishin (childrens treatment - mainly without inserting needles)
Each of these styles has improved my knowledge and understanding in different ways giving me a wide range of techniques to choose from.


My Ethos

I strongly believe in trying to get you better in as few treatments as possible. I like to be able to give you more power and control over your own condition, where appropriate, by showing self-acupressure techniques or suggesting appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes. Most people find this extremely helpful and are frequently amazed at the improvements that they themselves can achieve relatively simply.
I do not see acupuncture as an alternative medicine, rather it fills the gaps that many people fall into where they cannot be adequately treated with conventional medicine. If I think that you have a serious undiagnosed condition then I will recommend that you seek appropriate medical advice. Likewise, where acupuncture is not the best form of treatment for you then I will suggest alternatives.  


For more detailed information

Visit Joe's Japanese acupuncture website

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